Inspired by BubbleWrap's easy syntax for App Persistence - Now a CROSS PLATFORM App Persistence Gem for RubyMotion.
There is a sedulous effort to make this syntax fit BubbleWrap's as much as possible for easy replacement.
Step 1: Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'PackingPeanut'
Step 2: And then execute:
$ bundle
Step 3: For Android Only
$ [bundle exec] rake gradle:install
Example Usage from REPL
# PP automatically has context if the module is included
# Only android needs context
$ App::Persistence.context = self
=> #<MainActivity:0x1d20058e>
$ App::Persistence['dinner'] = "nachos"
=> "nachos"
$ App::Persistence['dinner']
=> "nachos"
$ App::Persistence['lunch'] = "tacos"
=> "tacos"
$ App::Persistence.all
=> {"dinner"=>"nachos", "lunch"=>"tacos"}
$ App::Persistence.storage_file = "some_new_file"
=> "some_new_file"
$ App::Persistence['dinner']
=> "" # empty because we're now outside the default storage file.
has been Aliasted to PP
for the bold.